FAQs and download center

We’ve compiled some resources and FAQs to help you find answers to your questions about HSBC.

Commonly downloaded forms

HSBC's ACH routing number is 022000020.

A bank routing number is a nine-digit number, also called an ABA routing number or routing transit number, and is used by US financial institutions to send and receive electronic transactions between banks.

Connect your finances to your life with HSBC Premier.

Product FAQs

Service FAQs

Making a Deposit

The recipient's full name, address and if known, phone number.

The recipient's bank account number (e.g., their checking or savings account number).

The recipient's bank's full name and address.

The banking system to be used – ABA Routing Number (Fed Wire Number), SWIFT or CHIPS.

The recipient's bank's institution number, for example ABA Routing #123456789.

Please Note: Fees from the financial institution you transfer funds to and from may apply in addition to fees that HSBC may charge. HSBC is not responsible for these charges.


Bank by Mail, M1

239 Van Rensselaer Street

Buffalo, NY 14210


Bank by Mail, M1

239 Van Rensselaer Street

Buffalo, NY 14210

For your protection, please do not send cash through the mail