Getting to Grips with Assessment

We wrote this guide because we were concerned that students were not always aware of some aspects of the assessment process at Anglia Ruskin. Because of this, they sometimes made mistakes which would have been avoided easily. In some cases, marks were lost, and often the experience was distressing. We want all of our students to realise their full potential, and this includes ensuring that nothing goes wrong with the assessment process.


This document is designed to provide a quick reference to the main issues that can affect assignment submission, marking and feedback. It has been written to provide generic advice on the main issues and courses may have alternative or additional provision in some areas. The Academic Regulations (current version August 2018) are the definitive statement of all academic matters including submission, so any statement here is offered in good faith but is not authoritative. Because this guide is a quick reference, it does not cover all eventualities, and specifically excludes appeals against decisions. Please consult a Student Adviser, the Students’ Union Advice Service, your Course Leader or Director of Studies for more detailed advice.

A note on terms

We use the term 'assignment' here to describe a single task that you submit for evaluation or marking, and on which you will receive feedback. You will meet the term 'assessment task' in University Regulation being used to denote the same thing. We use the term 'assessment' to mean the process of assessing or being assessed, not for an assessed item.

Core questions

In our experience, most of the issues that students experience with assessment and feedback are covered by four basic questions. If you have an issue, click on the question that seems closest to your situation and you will jump to the relevant section. If you just want to be better informed, browse the complete text - at least all of the information that you need is in one location here rather than being spread across different sites.

In addition, you can follow More resources and links to find further links to study skills, Turnitin submission and expert advice.

1. Where can I find information about my assignment?

In this section, you will find general information about how and where your assignment is described, and how to submit assignments using Turnitin and other methods.

1.1 Assignment description