How To Request A Letter Of Recommendation On Naviance [With Templates]

Getting into college is exciting for any student. The college application process can be hectic. You’re going to be sending out a lot of applications to colleges of your choice. Your grades and statement of purpose are definitely important factors in deciding which college gives you admission. There is, however, another document that is extremely important to make this decision: a letter of recommendation.

What is a Letter of Recommendation?

A letter of recommendation is a letter written by your teacher, mentor, counselor, guide, or other faculty. The letter of recommendation is meant to act as a reference for students applying to colleges. The purpose of a letter of recommendation is to show you in the best light possible. This helps the admission committee of colleges you are applying to consider you for admission to their institution.

A letter of recommendation includes the recommender’s detailed opinion about your personality, skills, and achievements.

How to request a Letter of Recommendation on Naviance? Before we get to that, you need to understand:

Why is a Letter of Recommendation important?

A letter of recommendation carries a lot of importance when the admission committee of a college is making a decision about whether to grant you admission or not. Your application to college will contain your grades, but a person is so much more than their test scores. A letter of recommendation from the right faculty member can highlight to the admission committee things that your test scores don’t reveal about you.

They are meant to contain personal opinions of the recommender regarding your character, personality, achievements, and skills. By relaying incidents that strongly capture your personality, a letter of recommendation serves as the best representation of your character. It also showcases who is willing to serve as your reference. That’s making a powerful statement (provided you end up getting a letter of recommendation from the right person).

It also helps to highlight how you are the right fit for the college being applied to.

When do you need a Letter of Recommendation?

You will need a good letter of recommendation when you apply to colleges for higher studies. Make sure you get a head start with your teachers, mentors, or others when requesting a letter of recommendation. The reality is that every student applying to go to college will need a letter of recommendation, so teachers are likely to be swamped with requests for letters of recommendation.

You don’t want to end up being the 30 th person they have to write a letter of recommendation for. They’re already going to be pressed for time and trying to somehow get through the letters of recommendation they already have to write. When you add your request for a letter of recommendation after the many requests they already have, you’re only going to burden them. They may be able to write a letter of recommendation for you, but it may not be a very good one.

Requesting a letter of recommendation ahead of time is the best way to make sure you get a good letter of recommendation.

What is Naviance?

With the advancement of technology, it has become a lot easier to request recommendation letters. Today, you don’t have to run around trying to set up a meeting with your previous teachers or mentors just to ask them if they can write you a letter of recommendation for the colleges you are applying to.

Naviance makes it easy for you to request a letter of recommendation and get it in a manner that is free from hassles. Naviance is a toolset program that makes it easier for students to develop the skills and other competencies they will need to achieve success after high school.

It partners with high schools as well as K-12 institutes to help students plan their careers better. Founded in 2002, the platform can be accessed by students via their school or district. Every student will have their own district username and password once they log in through their school’s portal or website.

There is a lot that students can benefit from on Naviance. It isn’t just to make the task of requesting letters of recommendation easier for you. You can explore majors and career options, seek out college scholarships, prepare for competitive exams, and do a lot more.

For the sake of this article though, we’re going to stick to how to request a Letter of Recommendation on Naviance. We’ve outlined below the quick and simple procedure for how to request a Letter of Recommendation on Naviance. Just follow the steps mentioned to get a letter of recommendation that will impress admission committees of the colleges you’re applying to.

How to request a Letter of Recommendation on Naviance

Before you log into your Naviance account and request a letter of recommendation from a teacher, be sure to have a conversation with the teacher you have in mind. Give them details of your applications. This way, they won’t be taken by surprise when you add them on Naviance and request a letter of recommendation.

Keeping them informed at least a month in advance is a good way to give them the heads up they need. Once you’ve done that, follow these steps on the Naviance platform to request your letters of recommendation.