Office of Health Equity

Despite the many health resources in the District, health outcomes continue to reflect significant health inequities among residents. Attaining health equity requires a sustained, multi-sector, ‘health-in-all-policies’ (HiAP) approach, wherein health equity is embraced as everybody’s work!

The DC Department of Health (DOH) established the Office of Health Equity (OHE) in 2015, within the Office of the Director. OHE will collaborate with other government agencies, community partners, and all DOH Administrations to ensure a multi-pronged cohesive strategy is developed to identify and address the social determinants of health, which are the key drivers of inequities in health outcomes.


To address the root causes of health disparities, beyond healthcare and health behaviors, by supporting projects, policies and research that will enable every resident to achieve their optimal level of health — regardless of where they live, learn, work, play or age. The Office achieves its mission by informing, educating, and empowering people about health issues and facilitating multi-sector partnerships to identify and solve community health problems related to the social determinants of health.