Paying for CTU

How much does Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs tuition cost?

The 2024 tuition & fees of Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs is $12,760 and the 2024 graduate school tuition & fees is $14,764. CTU's tuition & fees remain the same as last year.

Its undergraduate tuition & fees is much lower than the average tuition for Doctoral / Research University (not R1, R2)' tuition of $31,004.

Based on the last year increase rate, The 2025 estimated tuition & fees at CTU is $12,824 for Colorado residents and $12,824 for out-of-state students, a 0.5% increase compared to 2024's rate.

CTU 2024 Tuition & Fees
YearTuition & FeesDoctoral / Research University (not R1, R2)' Average
Change % 2023-20240.50%
2024-2025 Estimate$12,824

How much do you actually pay at CTU?

The living costs at CTU is $11,600 when living off campus. The off-campus living costs increased by 21.09%.

The CTU's 2024 COA is $24,359 for off-campus living.

86% of enrolled students have received grants or scholarships, and the average aid amount is $5,311. It could cover 41.62% of full tuition amount.

After receiving the financial aid, the net price is $19,049.

Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs 2024 Cost of Attendance (COA)
Tuition & Fees$12,760
Room & Board$9,311
Personal Expenses$2,289
Books & Supplies-$1
COA with Financial Aid$19,048

CTU 4-Years Tuition

How Much is CTU tuition for 4 years?

CTU's 4-years tuition is $51,200, based on current tuition and change rate.

Since the tuition & fees at Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs have risen very slightly (very lower than national average) over the last 4 years , the actual costs may differ from the estimation based on the school or University system's new tuition policy.

CTU 4 Years Tuition & Fees Estimates
Admission YearFreshmenSophomoreJuniorSenior4 Years Total
Class of 2028Fall 2024$12,776$12,792$12,808$12,824$51,200
Class of 2029Fall 2025$12,792$12,808$12,824$12,840$51,264
Class of 2030Fall 2026$12,808$12,824$12,840$12,856$51,329
Class of 2031Fall 2027$12,824$12,840$12,856$12,872$51,393
Class of 2032Fall 2028$12,840$12,856$12,872$12,889$51,457

Net Price for 4 Years at CTU

Based on recent tuition increase rate, for the students who were admitted in Fall 2024, the estimated 4-years COA is $102,875.

CTU 4 Years COA
Admission YearFreshmenSophomoreJuniorSenior4 Years Total
Class of 2028Fall 2024$24,881$25,424$25,990$26,580$102,875
Class of 2029Fall 2025$25,424$25,990$26,580$27,195$105,189
Class of 2030Fall 2026$25,990$26,580$27,195$27,836$107,601
Class of 2031Fall 2027$26,580$27,195$27,836$28,504$110,115
Class of 2032Fall 2028$27,195$27,836$28,504$29,201$112,736

Actual COA after Receiving Financial Aid

After receiving the financial aid, the net price for 4 years of attending the school is $81,631.

CTU 4 Years COA after Receiving Financial Aid
Admission YearFreshmenSophomoreJuniorSenior4 Years Total
Class of 2028Fall 2024$19,570$20,113$20,679$21,269$81,631
Class of 2029Fall 2025$20,113$20,679$21,269$21,884$83,945
Class of 2030Fall 2026$20,679$21,269$21,884$22,525$86,357
Class of 2031Fall 2027$21,269$21,884$22,525$23,193$88,871
Class of 2032Fall 2028$21,884$22,525$23,193$23,890$91,492

CTU's Graduate Tuition

The graduate school tuition at Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs is $14,764. Detailed graduate program tuition and majors can be found at CTU gradute program page.

CTU Graduate Tuition & Fees
YearGradaute Tuition & Fees
Change % 2023-20241.14%

Tuition Per Credit Hour

For part-time and/or full-time students who take additional credits at CTU is $335. The graduate tuition per credit hour is $588.

Per Credit Hour Charge at CTU
YearTuition Per Credit Hour
2024-2025 (Estimate)$336
2024-2025 (Estimate)$595

CTU Tuition Charts

The following charts visualize tuition, fees, living costs, and other expenses at CTU. You can enlarge the chart to view detailed information.

Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs 2024 undergraduate tuition chartColorado Technical University-Colorado Springs 2024 graduate tuition chartColorado Technical University-Colorado Springs 2024 cost per credit hour chartColorado Technical University-Colorado Springs 2024 COA (cost of attendance) chartColorado Technical University-Colorado Springs 2024 room & board cost chart

Compare Tuition with Similar Colleges

The following table compares tuition & fees between Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs and its similar schools.

Tuition Comparison between CTU and Similar Colleges
Colorado Technical University-Colorado Springs$12,760
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design$23,273
Rocky Vista University$0
University of the Rockies$0
Denver College of Nursing$19,860
Concorde Career College-Aurora$16,684

Ratings & Review

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